When people move away from you

Assalamualaikum reader,

A random thought:

Few years kebelakangan ane, I met lots and lots of people; ada orang yang jenis come-and-go, ada jua yang masih keeping in touch walaupun jarang bercontact (Alhamdulilah). 

There were also a few people in my life who are obviously lost contact sudah. Frankly speaking, I don't have any sesalan for losing contact with them. Sometimes these people are the one yang tend to be bermasalah dengan tane (exes, friends, colleagues, etc)

Allah SWT slowly create something yang boleh buat hubungan atu jauh. Do you know why this happened? 

I believe pasal Allah sayangkan tane. Maybe, mereka-meraka yang bermasalah ane akan menghalang kitani dari berjaya. Or maybe durang ane jua akan membuat tane sentiasa berduka. sebab lain, durang ane orang-orang yang akan memberi pelajaran arah diri sendiri. 

Apapun sebabnya, In sha allah ada hikmah yang tersembunyi. For sure, mereka-mereka ane dijauhkan supaya ketani menjadi insan yang lebih baik. ^^ 

Quotes below are "plagiarism" from a Facebook video The Law of Attraction: lessons learned in life.

Never beg someone to be in your life

If your texts, calls, and visits get ignored...

Walk Away!

It's called Self-Respect.

There is no need to chase people

Work hard and be yourself instead

Be an example.

the people who belong in your life will come and find you

The RIGHT people are:

Those who love you no matter what

Those who will stick around no matter what

Those who will be proud of you, will treat you well, and will always make you a Priority.

Because that is what you deserve

Nothing Less.


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