Journey to motherhood: Sharing My Birthing Experience
Assalamualaikum wonderful reader,
Setelah menghilang sekejap...I'm back to blogging hehehe.....
There's a perfectly good reason why this blog has been on a temporary hiatus.... Alhamdulilah I safely delivered a handsome baby boy last March, 15th via normal delivery.
Banar-banar lah diri inda menyangka akan delivered seawal March atu. I was told my EDD is in 2nd April and so, I have always had this mindset that the delivery will be in April. Sekali.....toink, awal few weeks aku delivered!
"How's your birthing experience?"
Okay ane aku kan start bercerita ne aa hehehe~ Panjang kali ne....mohon bersabar untuk membaca.
My birthing experience was a quick one, Alhamdulilah! Semua urusan dipermudahkan. I was actually attending a check up on 14th March. During the check up Dr. Gyneacology membagitau my amniotic fluid rendah. Well, not exactly rendah tahap dangerous, it was only around 9 (Normal reading is 10). Thus the Dr recommended me to carry out an Induce delivery keesokan harinya.
So, imagine diri ku yang terkajut and totally did not expect kana suruh beranak soon. My mind went totally blank at that time, trying to digest everything yang dr. atu cakap:
Sepanjang berada di ward I didn't feel any pain or contraction at all. And I have no idea jua macam mana procedure delivery ane. I guess disebabkan my clueless-ness untuk beranak, I wasn't feeling nervous and sleep fairly well throughout the night.
The next pagi-pagi sebelum subuh, a nurse came to my bed. She informed me that I was scheduled untuk dimasukkan ubat jam 6.00am. Tapi sebelum atu Dr. kn memeriksa my wellbeing sebelum ke Labour Room. Then the nurse took me to a room untuk pemeriksaan doktor. At this point I was still clueless pasal beranak and the procedures before delivery 🤣
Bila dr. cakap ia kan "menduga" my southern part....aku pikir ia just liat-liat and check-check Miss V and it will all be done. No one has ever told me apa maksud "menduga" ane (Again, I am totally clueless). Not even the dr. or the nurse explain to me that it will be masukkan jari ke dalam Miss V!
Sakit kana "duga" atu, OMG.......Tuhan saja yang tahu! It was very very very very PAINFUL berabiisssssss....
Sesudah kana duga, baru aku tahu rupanya aku sudah ada bukaan 5cm. The dr. asked me if I feel any contraction pain. Aku bagitahu langsung nada!
Memandangkan aku sudah 5cm buka, the dr. informed me that aku inda payah going through induce delivery; I will have a normal delivery saja. Yikkkksss, now baru aku ada feel-feel nervous. Lapas-lapas experience kana duga atu memang rasa jara berabis~ macam terimagine beranak nanti mesti lagi sakit dari atu *cry me a river*
My husben and my mom came that early morning lapas subuh. I informed them that the nurse will bring me to the Labour Room soon. Aku tunggu dari 6.40ish....punya tunggu....punya tunggu...tunggu lagi....sampai around 8.00am, still no nurse came back to my bed. Apparently Labour Room was full on that day -_____-"
Tapi memang aku rasa aku langkah kanan jua, there's actually satu lagi bilik yang masih available. By 8lalu, I was already transferred to Labour Room.
Dalam labour room, aku di duga lagi and have to go through a number of procedures before beranak. The nurses didn't offered me any pain relief drugs, in fact one of them even said "ia ane nda rasa sakit ne". So instead durang explained to me that they have to drip kan ubat sakit supaya aku tahu when to push semasa contraction.
I have to wait lagi untuk beberapa ketika untuk ubat atu berjalan. All this while jua, my husband accompanied me in the labour room. I'm glad semasa dalam kesakitan I didn't say anything awful to him or cursing the situation. Then by 10ish or 11 I was ready untuk beranak.
Mula-mula memang aku inda pandai mem-push, even though throughout my life aku pernah sudah 'practice' mengajan ane semasa buang hajat besar heeee...But pushing a baby out is a different thing! You really need to push with all your might and you must have a control over your breathing too. After 2 or 3 kali percubaan, baru aku tahu macam mana mengajan ane. The 5th push baru tah successfully meluaran my beautiful baby boy =)
Bersyukur sangat masa more contraction pain, no more kepayahan mengajan and there is just a sight of a beautiful creature right in front of my eyes!
Anyways, for those of you yang beruri how to mengajan nanti semasa beranak, no worries dear...the nurses will help you and they will guide you through it. My advice saja, don't rush things semasa process meluaran....bawa air ke dalam labour room and you may consume it in between your contraction...breath....and bawa banyak berzikir dan berdoa dalam hati <3 In Sha Allah everything akan dipermudahkan.
Thank you for reading this post. Toodles guys
Setelah menghilang sekejap...I'm back to blogging hehehe.....
There's a perfectly good reason why this blog has been on a temporary hiatus.... Alhamdulilah I safely delivered a handsome baby boy last March, 15th via normal delivery.
Banar-banar lah diri inda menyangka akan delivered seawal March atu. I was told my EDD is in 2nd April and so, I have always had this mindset that the delivery will be in April. Sekali.....toink, awal few weeks aku delivered!
"How's your birthing experience?"
Okay ane aku kan start bercerita ne aa hehehe~ Panjang kali ne....mohon bersabar untuk membaca.
My birthing experience was a quick one, Alhamdulilah! Semua urusan dipermudahkan. I was actually attending a check up on 14th March. During the check up Dr. Gyneacology membagitau my amniotic fluid rendah. Well, not exactly rendah tahap dangerous, it was only around 9 (Normal reading is 10). Thus the Dr recommended me to carry out an Induce delivery keesokan harinya.
So, imagine diri ku yang terkajut and totally did not expect kana suruh beranak soon. My mind went totally blank at that time, trying to digest everything yang dr. atu cakap:
Amniotic fluid rendah
need to be warded
tomorrow Induce delivery
The next pagi-pagi sebelum subuh, a nurse came to my bed. She informed me that I was scheduled untuk dimasukkan ubat jam 6.00am. Tapi sebelum atu Dr. kn memeriksa my wellbeing sebelum ke Labour Room. Then the nurse took me to a room untuk pemeriksaan doktor. At this point I was still clueless pasal beranak and the procedures before delivery 🤣
Bila dr. cakap ia kan "menduga" my southern part....aku pikir ia just liat-liat and check-check Miss V and it will all be done. No one has ever told me apa maksud "menduga" ane (Again, I am totally clueless). Not even the dr. or the nurse explain to me that it will be masukkan jari ke dalam Miss V!
Sakit kana "duga" atu, OMG.......Tuhan saja yang tahu! It was very very very very PAINFUL berabiisssssss....
Sesudah kana duga, baru aku tahu rupanya aku sudah ada bukaan 5cm. The dr. asked me if I feel any contraction pain. Aku bagitahu langsung nada!
Memandangkan aku sudah 5cm buka, the dr. informed me that aku inda payah going through induce delivery; I will have a normal delivery saja. Yikkkksss, now baru aku ada feel-feel nervous. Lapas-lapas experience kana duga atu memang rasa jara berabis~ macam terimagine beranak nanti mesti lagi sakit dari atu *cry me a river*
My husben and my mom came that early morning lapas subuh. I informed them that the nurse will bring me to the Labour Room soon. Aku tunggu dari 6.40ish....punya tunggu....punya tunggu...tunggu lagi....sampai around 8.00am, still no nurse came back to my bed. Apparently Labour Room was full on that day -_____-"
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The waiting |
Tapi memang aku rasa aku langkah kanan jua, there's actually satu lagi bilik yang masih available. By 8lalu, I was already transferred to Labour Room.
Dalam labour room, aku di duga lagi and have to go through a number of procedures before beranak. The nurses didn't offered me any pain relief drugs, in fact one of them even said "ia ane nda rasa sakit ne". So instead durang explained to me that they have to drip kan ubat sakit supaya aku tahu when to push semasa contraction.
I have to wait lagi untuk beberapa ketika untuk ubat atu berjalan. All this while jua, my husband accompanied me in the labour room. I'm glad semasa dalam kesakitan I didn't say anything awful to him or cursing the situation. Then by 10ish or 11 I was ready untuk beranak.
Mula-mula memang aku inda pandai mem-push, even though throughout my life aku pernah sudah 'practice' mengajan ane semasa buang hajat besar heeee...But pushing a baby out is a different thing! You really need to push with all your might and you must have a control over your breathing too. After 2 or 3 kali percubaan, baru aku tahu macam mana mengajan ane. The 5th push baru tah successfully meluaran my beautiful baby boy =)
Bersyukur sangat masa more contraction pain, no more kepayahan mengajan and there is just a sight of a beautiful creature right in front of my eyes!
Anyways, for those of you yang beruri how to mengajan nanti semasa beranak, no worries dear...the nurses will help you and they will guide you through it. My advice saja, don't rush things semasa process meluaran....bawa air ke dalam labour room and you may consume it in between your contraction...breath....and bawa banyak berzikir dan berdoa dalam hati <3 In Sha Allah everything akan dipermudahkan.
Thank you for reading this post. Toodles guys
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