Journey to motherhood: Sharing My Birthing Experience

Assalamualaikum wonderful reader, Setelah menghilang sekejap...I'm back to blogging hehehe..... There's a perfectly good reason why this blog has been on a temporary hiatus.... Alhamdulilah I safely delivered a handsome baby boy last March, 15th via normal delivery. Banar-banar lah diri inda menyangka akan delivered seawal March atu. I was told my EDD is in 2nd April and so, I have always had this mindset that the delivery will be in April. Sekali.....toink, awal few weeks aku delivered! "How's your birthing experience?" Okay ane aku kan start bercerita ne aa hehehe~ Panjang kali ne....mohon bersabar untuk membaca. My birthing experience was a quick one, Alhamdulilah! Semua urusan dipermudahkan. I was actually attending a check up on 14th March. During the check up Dr. Gyneacology membagitau my amniotic fluid rendah. Well, not exactly rendah tahap dangerous, it was only around 9 (Normal reading is 10). Thus the Dr recommended me to carr...