Thesis aftermath
Assalamualaikum dear reader,
Alhamdulilah, I am done with my thesis! Happy melangit diri ane sebab "torture" writing up a thesis sudah tamat. I can feel that I was mentally, physically and emotionally exhausted lapas menghantar semua keraja, macam my head was completely blank and badan tarus-tarus rasa sangal.
Masa menghantar atu jua ada feeling-feeling pasrah cos I know thesis atu bukan nya hasil keraja yang terbaik. I will just pray my kraja atu kana accept and get good grade. (Aamiin)
Anyway, last few posts ago, I did shared I have plans kan di buat after selesai with my Master degree. Well, that plans macam hangat-hangat tahi ayam (LOL Me!). As I was really really really exhausted, I ended up tidur memanjang selama 3 atau 4 hari. Diri ane rasa kan bermalas-malasan saja...
I was a bit disappointed arah diri sendiri pasal nada dapat control over-slept for a few days. Husband advised me to take it easy saja, macam let myself rest and recover from all the stress and intensity of writing up thesis dulu. Then baru memikirkan untuk menjalankan "My-Ultimate-Plans-after-menghantar-thesis"
He was Right! I do need time to rest and recover from all that hard work and stress hehehe...So, at the moment I am just catching up with movies and books. And to-not-feel-so-guilty pasal menunda the initial plans, I did signed up for a class or two (Makeup class pulang tu, bukan IT class hahaha sempena puasa and raya jua bah). In sha Allah, slowly saye akan buat semua plan yang sudah awal di rancangkan soon jua....
To those of you out there yang baru selesai and berngalih menyiapkan thesis or baru habis exam, my husband's advised goes to you too: Take some times off, you need stress to go out of your system, baru me-reset on things you want to do for yourself and others.
Hope whatever I share in this post bermanfaat...Toodles peeps.
Alhamdulilah, I am done with my thesis! Happy melangit diri ane sebab "torture" writing up a thesis sudah tamat. I can feel that I was mentally, physically and emotionally exhausted lapas menghantar semua keraja, macam my head was completely blank and badan tarus-tarus rasa sangal.

Masa menghantar atu jua ada feeling-feeling pasrah cos I know thesis atu bukan nya hasil keraja yang terbaik. I will just pray my kraja atu kana accept and get good grade. (Aamiin)
Anyway, last few posts ago, I did shared I have plans kan di buat after selesai with my Master degree. Well, that plans macam hangat-hangat tahi ayam (LOL Me!). As I was really really really exhausted, I ended up tidur memanjang selama 3 atau 4 hari. Diri ane rasa kan bermalas-malasan saja...
I was a bit disappointed arah diri sendiri pasal nada dapat control over-slept for a few days. Husband advised me to take it easy saja, macam let myself rest and recover from all the stress and intensity of writing up thesis dulu. Then baru memikirkan untuk menjalankan "My-Ultimate-Plans-after-menghantar-thesis"
He was Right! I do need time to rest and recover from all that hard work and stress hehehe...So, at the moment I am just catching up with movies and books. And to-not-feel-so-guilty pasal menunda the initial plans, I did signed up for a class or two (Makeup class pulang tu, bukan IT class hahaha sempena puasa and raya jua bah). In sha Allah, slowly saye akan buat semua plan yang sudah awal di rancangkan soon jua....
To those of you out there yang baru selesai and berngalih menyiapkan thesis or baru habis exam, my husband's advised goes to you too: Take some times off, you need stress to go out of your system, baru me-reset on things you want to do for yourself and others.
Hope whatever I share in this post bermanfaat...Toodles peeps.
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