Eczema Diary ~ My child suffers from Eczema

Assalamualaikum Eczema warriors, cerita aimulanya... Gambar di bawah adalah gambar my anak (Zuhair) when he was a baby. He suffers from Eczema since his tender age of few months old. Kebetulan a t that time, I was still breast feeding him jua. So people did say, my child actually allergic to my breast-milk, causing his skin to dry out, itchy and all (woahh, mulut joyah nda insurance!). Hmmm honestly masa kana cakap macam atu, diri ane menyamal la sedikit. Dulu aku pun lack of knowledge la jua mengenai penjagaan baby, breastfeeding and everything related to baby stuff (al-maklum baru masuk "Geng bonda")~ I did was-was arah diri sendiri, " what if it's true that Zuhair is allergic to my breastmilk ?" So I refused to give him anymore breastmilk. Biartia Zuhair fed on powder milk saja. Atu pun his skin condition did not improve jua. Eventually we fed him mix breast and powder milk saja. cerita Now Tahun 2023.... Zuhair is now five years old, and his eczema woul...