
Tunjukkan catatan dari Oktober, 2018

Jangan takut dengan kemiskinan jika kita hamba dari Yang Maha Kaya

Assalamualaikum wonderful readers,  Masha Allah, what a beautiful quote!!!  I find this quote and the picture very inspiring! Yes, sekecil apa pun usaha ketani mencari rezeki, ketani mesti tetap terus berusaha. Jangan takut dengan kemiskinan, kalau ketani sudah berusaha dan memberikan yang terbaik....nda mungkin usaha ketani atu sia-sia.  Cuma saja soal waktu yang menentukan; mungkin bukan hari ane rezeki atu datang....mungkin bukan esok....sentiasa meminta rezeki yang luas dari yang Maha Kaya.  Hope this quote is inspiring to you.... Toodles ^____^

Advice for the broken heart: How to pick yourself up after a breakup

Assalamualaikum kind reader, Did you know swan only have one partner for their entire life?  And did you know if one swan dies, the partner can also pass away from a broken heart? Amazing fact kan.... Just like everyone else, I've been through breakups before. And it hurts a lot!  Okay before I'm babbling further about breakup, let me clarify something dulu:  I know this entry is very sensitive, especially pasal aku sudah berkahwin. If my husband ever saw and read this entry, it wouldn't be nice....seolah-olah I'm still living in the past.  But truthfully, I love my husband whole-heartily. He is one of the greatest blessing from Allah SWT, and I couldn't ask for anyone better than him...cukup husband ku yang satu-satunya ane dunia-akhirat sama-sama. However disebabkan kejadian recent yang menimpa seorang kawan yang baru end her relationship with a boyfriend of 12 years,  aku intend to share sedikit pengalaman ku yang dulu, yang sesungguhnya...

Social Deal Slimming Treatment

Assalamualaikum beautiful reader,  Yesterday I tried one of the "Beauty and wellness" services yang ditawarkan dari website Social Deal. I have mentioned about social deal before in my blog (Please check  My Thoughts On Social Deal Pampering Package , if you are interested to know more about it). And unlike experience ku yang dulu, this time I am very happy with the service provided by the vendor.  The service yang aku pilih was a Slimming Treatment (kan hilangkan lemaks jah!) dari Aesthetic Beauty Saloon in Menglait.  The session include 10 minutes sauna, cavitation, application of slimming cream and body wrapping. The whole process took about 30 minutes, walaupun in the coupon it did say 1 hour. 1 hour atu sebenarnya including lama masa memakai body wrapping; you can actually just take off the body wrapping at home...nda payah tunggu di saloon nya sampai another 30 minutes selepas siap rawatan. Verdict? Masuk saja ke Saloon nya, I was gree...