My guilty pleasure: Buying Pre Loved baby items

Assalamualaikum shopaholic reader, I have a confession to make: " Buying Pre Loved baby item is my new hobby hahaha...." When it all started? Entah sejak bila hobby baru ku ane mula timbul. I guess it was all started pasal aku rajin membali used novels from Facebook. I mean, sometimes you can get a really good bargain like 3 novels for $15 and so on. And most of the time the novels are actually in a very good condition. As long as it is still readable, I won't bother to buy new ones hehehe.... Then recently I started to buy used baby stuff from social media too. Honestly, barangan preloved for babies nda semuanya buruk. In fact some items are only used once or twice, so it can be reused again for a long time. So far, barangan baby yang selalu aku bali is baju, children's books, shoes and baby box. Here are some example of my pre loved purchases Pakaian baby girl Baby box with pakaian baby boy Children's books The good thing...