Financial Saving with AIA Smart Growth
Assalamualaikum wonderful reader, Ane bukan iklan berbayar, although I wish my friend or AIA did gave me a commission for mentioning their name and/or brand in this post hahaha...Anyway, one of my friends ada bekeraja di AIA. Have you ever heard of AIA before? Have you ever encountered the logo below? Selama ane aku selalu beranggapan AIA ane hanya syarikat insurance, yang mana ketani akan selalu membayar sejumlah duit to their company setiap bulan untuk meng-cover ketani bila ada keperluan mendadak nanti e.g. kemalangan, sudden illness dan lain-lain. Little did I know AIA sebenarnya offers more than just an Insurance coverage. Ada macam-macam service durang like Income protection planning, child education planning, retirement planing and debt management. Since I am not an Insurance agent, I will not go through in details of products/ services apa yang durang offer. However I want to share information with you guys about one of their services: A MEDIUM-LONG T...