I am Employed!

Assalamualaikum amazing reader, Ada beberapa perkara yang terjadi dalam hidup ku right now ~ And for that I can't described into words how perfect Allah's plan is and how bless I am to have the life that I have right now. Alhamdulilah Ya Rabb untuk segala ni'mat yang Engkau berikan! Earlier this year, life has not been so easy for me. Secara jujur I was struggling to handle a few matters in life. Tapi like I said, Allah's plan is perfect and now looking back I realized that every time I thought I was being rejected from something GOOD , I was actually re-directed to something BETTER... I shared in my previous posts a number of happy news, particularly pasal my graduation and my pregnancy (happy news this year also include wedding and honeymoon that aku inda explicitly share/ alum ter-share). Selain dari atu, sebenarnya ada lagi good news lain yang aku belum share dalam blog ane... Alhamdulilah, within a month before my graduation, I was already employed in one...