I'm a Master Graduate holder!

Assalamualaikum kind reader, Alhamdulilah, I recently graduated from my Master degree. Aku kan share this photo with you guys to motivate anyone out there yang sekarang ane might be berhempas-pulas kan menyiapkan assignment/ project/ thesis etc. Sabar sis/ bro aa....the journey untuk mendapatkan sekalung sijil is bitter, but In Sha Allah it will all be worth it! (Bayang-bayangkan kan diri biskita atu memakai robe graduate macam ane hehehe...) Owhhhh another good news I would like to share ~ Alhamdulilah jua, sebelum my convocation day hariatu, I was offered a permanent job in one of the most prestigious schools in Brunei Darussalam. These are all rezeki yang sangat-sangat inda di sangkakan ~ Thank you Allah for all your ni'mat! By the way, biskita boleh check my previous post about studying and changing the mindset . I did mentioned in the post there are some people (even my closest friend/family) had a mindset macam "Nada point belajar tinggi, sama jua ind...