[Review] Sweet Deli cake

Assalamualaikum food-lover, This post is about a Sweet Deli cake. If you guys pernah baca my post about balasan hantaran tunang dulu, aku ada mention pasal Mr. Baker Fruit cake. Mr. Baker's cake memang nyaman and I always love love love it!!! However, recently I found another option of premium cake yang nyaman and lawa jua.... Jeng Jeng Jeng .... Fresh Yam Cake This cake is from Sweet Deli and it is one of the most recommended cakes there. I can say rasa cake ane sesuai untuk taste bud orang tua dan dewasas pasal inda manis, inda overly cream and they also used mashed Yam untuk Fresh Yam cake. How to order? Simple - Go to any Sweet Deli branch to order this cake. For Walk-in-and-purchase, I believe premium cake is only available at Sweet Deli Kiulap branch. Also, you may order through Whatsapp: +673 719 7133. I ordered a Fresh Yam cake for Birthday dari Whatsapp. Within 4 hours, my cake is ready to b...